About Exploring your intelligent body

Your body is an intelligent system that has the amazing ability to heal itself.

This self-corrective process works not only on the physical level with aches and pains, cuts and grazes, but also on the mental and emotional levels.

Sometimes the self-corrective system fails to work and chronic painful conditions such as lower back pain or dysfunction on the mental/emotional levels like anxiety occur.

With the right tools you can stimulate the self-corrective response and assist the body/mind to change. In general, this requires two specific things: the right information to assist the body/mind to understand what the dysfunction is and then the sense that it is safe enough to change.


In Exploring Your Intelligent Body

We look at how your self-corrective process works using different self-care exercises.

We look at what can get in the way of this process and how we can stimulate the body to self-correct.

The idea of working with the body is not new, but there are few books that cover the whole system from the physical body right through to the emotions and thought processes. These are all aspects of the same system and the interactions between these systems is where things can get stuck. For example, lower back pain can be due to a rotated vertebra, or stress or financial hardship (among other things), all of which require slightly different ways of working to release the tension in the back that is creating the pain.

The objective of Exploring Your Intelligent Body is to help people find the right self-care tools that work for their system. As we are all different,fine tuning the tools to meet your body is part of finding the way to stimulate the self-corrective process in your body.

Using self-care exercises to stimulate your body/mind to change empowers you to take a more active role in your own health and creates the possibility for rapid personal growth. As an added benefit, the self-care exercises increase your awareness and increase your resilience during stressful experiences.

In the book you will learn about topics such as:

One reader emailed me recently and commented the book was full of practical wisdom.

This is exactly what I would like to share, tools that you can use from the moment you read them and the theory as to why they work so you know when to use them.

You can get paperback copies of Exploring your intelligent body online through Amazon or other online book supplier or order it through your local bookshop.

What Are Readers Saying

Jenny Blyth

Body Worker, Birth Educator, Birth Worker

Being an enthusiastic proponent of Ortho-Bionomy principles and self-care practices, I have gobbled up this book. It’s a great fusion of our current understanding of physiology, and interpretation of our human condition.

Rob helps us grasp the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of the body and mind’s responses to our experiences, our beliefs and our connection to self and others. He then distils this into easy to read, easy to do, and easy to remember exercises that simply work!

The emphasis on our bodies’ astonishing and innate intelligence is an inspiring, positive and important reminder to us all. Whether you are a bodyworker, or someone who is seeking to heal, this book will help hone your intentions, and provide valuable and uplifting insights into how you might approach and support the body/mind more effectively and with minimal energy.

Self-care is a fertile middle ground between doing nothing and expecting your body to heal and find balance - and expecting others to fix you. This book leads us gently on a path to that ground, helping us feel safe to be going there, and once we are there, feeling amazed at how possible change can be, and how easily it can take place.
Exploring your intelligent body

Body Worker, Birth Educator, Birth Worker

Being an enthusiastic proponent of Ortho-Bionomy principles and self-care practices, I have gobbled up this book. It’s a great fusion of our current understanding of physiology, and interpretation of our human condition. Rob helps us grasp the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of the body and mind’s responses to our experiences, our beliefs and our connection to self and others. He then distils this into easy to read, easy to do, and easy to remember exercises that simply work! The emphasis on our bodies’ astonishing and innate intelligence is an inspiring, positive and important reminder to us all. Whether you are a bodyworker, or someone who is seeking to heal, this book will help hone your intentions, and provide valuable and uplifting insights into how you might approach and support the body/mind more effectively and with minimal energy. Self-care is a fertile middle ground between doing nothing and expecting your body to heal and find balance - and expecting others to fix you. This book leads us gently on a path to that ground, helping us feel safe to be going there, and once we are there, feeling amazed at how possible change can be, and how easily it can take place.

Karen Sonter

Ortho-Bionomy Advanced Practitioner and Instructor

I found "Exploring Your Intelligent Body" to be an easy to read, and very informative, manual for all "body users." The perfect user's guide to provide understanding and for supporting processes that will improve structure and function, on both the physical and emotional levels of existence.

Personally, I find it has provided ideas to use in my own clinic practice when working with clients, and to offer as very effective, yet gentle and simple, self-care practice to my clients.
A great resource!
Exploring your intelligent body

Ortho-Bionomy Advanced Practitioner and Instructor

I found "Exploring Your Intelligent Body" to be an easy to read, and very informative, manual for all "body users." The perfect user's guide to provide understanding and for supporting processes that will improve structure and function, on both the physical and emotional levels of existence. Personally, I find it has provided ideas to use in my own clinic practice when working with clients, and to offer as very effective, yet gentle and simple, self-care practice to my clients. A great resource!

Lois Logan

Ortho-Bionomy Instructor, Australia.

Exploring Your Intelligent Body clearly addresses aspects of our body from a physical, physiological,
mental and emotional point of view, giving the reader an opportunity to understand how our body
can self-correct on many planes. It interweaves the uniquely sensitive form of bodywork known as
Ortho-Bionomy, using physical self-care exercises, plus exercises to de-stress, and exercises in
mindfulness. As such, it is an inspiration for all who wish to gain insight, knowledge and selfunderstanding.
Highly recommended.
Exploring your intelligent body

Ortho-Bionomy Instructor, Australia.

Exploring Your Intelligent Body clearly addresses aspects of our body from a physical, physiological, mental and emotional point of view, giving the reader an opportunity to understand how our body can self-correct on many planes. It interweaves the uniquely sensitive form of bodywork known as Ortho-Bionomy, using physical self-care exercises, plus exercises to de-stress, and exercises in mindfulness. As such, it is an inspiration for all who wish to gain insight, knowledge and selfunderstanding. Highly recommended.

James Yates

High Performance Coach

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading "Exploring Your Intelligent Body"...
What an absolute masterpiece this is.
As someone who strives for high performance in all areas of life, I am seriously impressed that Rob has not only managed to provide a simple roadmap towards helping us to master our self care strategies, but he has provided real techniques that can make a massive difference towards the expansion of human potential.
There is something in this book for everyone.
A must read!
Exploring your intelligent body

High Performance Coach

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading "Exploring Your Intelligent Body"... What an absolute masterpiece this is. As someone who strives for high performance in all areas of life, I am seriously impressed that Rob has not only managed to provide a simple roadmap towards helping us to master our self care strategies, but he has provided real techniques that can make a massive difference towards the expansion of human potential. There is something in this book for everyone. A must read!
Exploring your intelligent body

About the Authors

Lisa Tyree, Rob Rich, Hannah Moore

Rob Rich

Rob has Bachelor of Natural Resources from The University of New England and is an advanced practitioner and instructor of Ortho-Bionomy with 20 years of experience in working with clients.

He has a keen interest in studying how the human body self-corrects dysfunction on the physical, mental and emotional levels, and works with clients in his clinic on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.

Rob currently teaches Ortho-Bionomy on the Sunshine Coast but is available to teach elsewhere.

Rob’s next book is on the importance of the inner sense of safety and how that creates resilience if it is there. However, without it, the body/mind is living with the stress response turned on. This affects all aspect of life. Stand by for some great tools to explore how to create more safety in your life.

Hannah Moore

Hannah is a Sunshine Coast based Naturopath, Medical Herbalist and Kinesiologist who helps women balance their hormones and improve their vitality naturally.

Hannah is a highly skilled practitioner with 11 years’ clinical practice. She specialises in Hormones, Skin and Gut health. She understands that it’s how we feel that makes the greatest impact on our everyday as she has overcome major mood, gut and hormonal imbalances due to significant childhood trauma.

Hannah teaches her clients to understand what their body is saying, to eat right for their body type and to discover how to support their hormones, gut, skin and moods naturally.

Dip Nat 2008, Dip Herb Med 2009
Wellpark College of Natural Therapies, New Zealand

Lisa Tyree

Lisa is a Holistic Counsellor and body worker of 25years, combining Remedial therapies, Advanced Pranic Healing, Hexagonal diametrics and Ortho-Bionomy.

She creates rapid change in the vast spectrum of resisted emotions that have a negative impact on a person’s life. Her intention when working with people is to enhance each individual’s innate empathic skills and empower them for life.

This changes both the energetic and behavioural characteristics of a person, restoring them back into a lightness of being.